The internet is considerably a huge platform in modern times. It is giving a push to too many talented individuals who showcase their work on platforms such as YouTube, through videos. Some of the most famous YouTube videos talk about Unboxing new products, gadget reviews, comedy, music videos and cooking classes.
Following this trend, many young and passionate minds have achieved their dreams and are now living their successful life. A lot of them have opted YouTube as their primary source of income as it allows them to monetize their content.And the individual who do this, are called "YouTuber".
But, possibly the oldest YouTuber of India, 106-year-old Mastanamma from Andhra Pradesh is now a popular personality on the internet, thanks to her proficiency with cooking.
But, have a look at the picture below and tell me what do you think about this lady?
Well, you might be clueless about her. Don't worry; you're not alone. Anyone who has seen her picture for the first time has felt the same thing.
But little did anyone know, this lady is listed as one of the oldest YouTuber in the world.
Yes, you heard me right my friend. Not just this, you'll be shocked to find out that she is more than 106-year-old
(and counting...).
People know her with the name, Mastanamma from Andhra Pradesh, India.
Mastanamma, 106, is now a very popular character on the internet, with due respect to her proficiency with cooking.
As Deccan Chronicle reported:
"106-year-old, Mastanamma has a channel on YouTube, which is established by her grandson. In the videos, you'll see her preparing food from scratch, inventing some famous local tastes of the state of Andhra Pradesh. Her channel which is named as Country Foods now has over 250,000 subscribers on YouTube."
Famous in her locality, people call her their grandmother and she makes sure that everyone who comes to her is well fed.
Coming from Gudiwada of the Krishna district in Andhra Pradesh, India, Mastanamma loves to do her own tasks in honour to cooking, without seeking any support from the younger children of her family.
Can you guess who is her first subscriber?
Her greatest fan was her grandson himself, K. Laxman, who thought of starting a channel on her behalf on
YouTube when he was making food with his friends one night.
Speaking in an interview with Barcroft, K. Laxman said that:
"On a hungry night, my friends and I prepared some food for ourselves, and we thought about starting a YouTube channel so that people could watch and learn from these cooking tutorials. Our first video went viral surprisingly. That was when I decided to run this channel, to get people to know and understand the traditional way of cooking with fresh ingredients, with the help of my grandmother. She didn't know what was happening when we were filming the videos, but when she started to realise it, she felt euphoric," says K. Laxman to Barcroft.
Everyone in the village adores her delicious food.
The oldest YouTuber in the world, 106-year-old, is an expert in making seafood and egg dosas.
The centenarian has once again proved to an entire world that it is never too late to initiate any endeavour, no matter how novel and strange it is to us.
Mastanamma, you inspire.